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how to exfoliate your body
Photo Credit : Body Shop
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Most women aspire to smooth, healthy skin free of dry patches, superfluous hair and blemishes. And the chances are even if your skin is not prone to spottiness or flaky patches, it will suffer from dullness and poor condition from time to time. This is where body scrubs and exfoliators come into their own. They work by shifting dead cells from the skin surface, revealing the younger, fresher one’s underneath. This process also stimulates the circulation of blood in the skin tissues, giving it a rosy glow. In this article, BEBE AFRIKANA presents to you different methods on how to exfoliate your body. 


There are lots of different methods on how you can exfoliate your body – so there is one to suit every budget and preference. 

  • Your first option is to buy an exfoliating scrub, which is a cream or gel-based product containing tiny abrasive particles. Look for the type with rounded particles which won’t irritate delicate skin. Simply massage the scrub into damp skin, then rinse away with lots of water. 
  • Bath mitts, loofahs and sisal mitts are a very cinch to use, and cost-effective too. They can be quite hash on the skin if you press too hard, so go easily at first. Rinse them well after use, and allow them to dry naturally. Simply sweep over your body when you are in the shower or bath. 
  • Your ordinary facecloth or bath sponge can also double up as an exfoliator. Lather up with plenty of soap or shower gel, and massage over damp skin before rinsing away with clear water. 
  • Copy what health spas do, and keep a large tub of natural sea salt by the shower. Scoop up a handful when you get in, and massage over your skin. Rinse away thoroughly afterwards. 
  • You can make your own body scrub at home by mixing sea salt with body oil or olive oil. Allow the mixture to soak into your skin for a few minutes to allow the edges of the salt crystals to dissolve before massaging in, then rinsing away. 
  • Body brushes are also useful. The best way to use them is on dry skin before you get in the bath or shower, as this is particularly good for loosening dead skin cells. You can also use them in the water, lathering them up with soap or gel. 

Whichever method you use, the best thing is to concentrate on problem areas such as upper arms, thighs, bottoms, heels and elbows. Also sweep over the rest of your body. 
However, go gently on delicate areas of skin such as inner arms, stomach and inner thighs. Work in large strokes, in the direction of your heart. Oiler skin types will benefit from exfoliation 2-3 times a week, while once a week is sufficient for others. Never exfoliate broken, inflamed or acne-prone skins. 

After exfoliating, always apply body lotion to seal moisture into the fresh new skin you’ve exposed.