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acne peel
Photo Credit : Howcast
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Acne peel helps to unclog the pores, smooth the skin face, fade the dark marks, and even out the skin tone. Chemical peels are part of our new arsenal of skin rejuvenation techniques. They are an important part of acne treatment because they prepare the skin and allow topical medications to penetrate more deeply.

A doctor is likely to recommend a series of chemical peels as part of an acne management program. one acne peel may be helpful but you will need several to really see a difference.


The Acne Peel

The strength and type of acne peel will depend on your skin. typically doctors use glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, or trichloroacetic acid. Doctors frequently make custom combinations of alpha and beta hydroxy acids to fit your skin type and achieve better results.

You want to improve your skin without damage. It is too easy to overstimulate the pigment cells and create dark spots and blotches. The wrong kind of peel administered by the wrong person can seriously damage the skin, so understanding the way the acne peel works may help.

The higher the acidic content in the peel, the more irritating it is to the skin. Acne peels range from 20 percent of acid in the solution to 99 percent. A peel with a 20 percent solution is unlikely to be irritating or to redden the skin. These light, superficial solutions are often called “lunchtime peels”.

Moderate and strong peels may keep you out of work or in the house for a week or more. When these peels are applied, the skin becomes tight and dark and peel in sheet, the skin is red and often raw.

We recommend superficial to moderate peels for women of color. You can’t be too careful about choosing the person who administers the acne peel. Chemical peels make the skin sensitive, it is important to apply an appropriate sunblock. Your skin may be too sensitive for facial or eye-brow waxing for a few days after the peel, the wax can easily burn the skin. And immediately after an acne peel, try and avoid kissing or rubbing against someone with herpes or a fever blister for at least a week, the virus can attach itself to the newly peeled skin and cause scarring.