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keto cycling
Photo Credit : Body & Soul
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The ketogenic diet fondly called keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that offers a lot of health benefits. According to recent studies, keto diet can help you lose weight and improve your health.

However bidding goodbye to pasta and bread might be a bigger challenge to a lot of people including my humble self, Lolz. So if you are in the same boat with me and looking for a balance between getting the benefits of the keto diet without giving up on your favourite carbohydrate, keto cycling might just be the perfect alternative.


keto cycling
Photo Credit : Newswoof

Keto cycling intends to make your keto diet more sustainable and allows for  more flexibility. Basically, keto cycling differs from a typical keto diet because you’re consuming more carbs than usual once a week, in order to get your body out of ketosis (only to go back into ketosis the next day).

With a strict ketogenic diet, you need to reduce  your carbs to a minute amount all the time; however Keto cycling gives you the opportunity to enjoy some carbohydrates on a regular basis and at the same time still get the benefits of the ketogenic diet.

While the ketogenic diet requires a more long-term low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet, keto cycling allows for more flexibility with carbohydrate intake while still resulting in the long-term health benefits of a ketogenic diet.



It is very effective because of the ketogenic diet itself. The main advantage of a Keto cycling diet is that it aims at sustaining the continuity of the diet.

If you’ve tried the keto diet and found it too difficult to maintain, then keto cycling may be your best approach. Basically,it helps you stick to the keto diet by giving you a little more wiggle room. Also “cycling in and out of carb restriction” could be particularly beneficial for balancing hormone levels in women.

Although the keto diet is effective for weight loss, blood glucose control and blood sugar management, it’s incredibly restrictive. You have to restrict your carbohydrate intake to the equivalent of less than one apple a day. This is hard to stick with in the long-term. Keto cycling diet allows you to add in a bit more carbs on a regular schedule.”

Of course, nutrition is still very important on these high carbohydrates days, you still need to keep healthy eating habits in mind .  You can get your carbs from starchy vegetables, fruits and whole grains on these days, and also try and avoid donuts, pizza and sugary lattes. If you give yourself different options and you know you’re going to achieve it, then it makes it easier to manage the diet.

In conclusion, Doctors and Nutritionists recommend five to six days of a strict ketogenic diet followed by one or two days of higher carbohydrate intake.