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The fine, delicate skin around your eyes is the first to show the signs of ageing. However, don’t be tempted to deal with the problem by slapping on heavy oils and moisturizers because they are usually too heavy for the skin in the eye area. They can also block tear ducts, causing puffiness. The delicate skin around your eyes needs particular special; care because it is thinner than the skin on the rest of the face, and this means that it is less able to hold moisture. There are also fewer oil glands in this area, making it particularly susceptible to dryness, and also meaning that there is no fatty layer underneath to act as a shock absorber. Consequently, this area of skin quickly loses its suppleness and elasticity. In this article, BEBEAFRIKANA brings to you how to care for the eyes and prevent puffiness


There is a huge range of products that can be used to care for the eyes, and it is important to find the right one for you. Gel-based ones are suitable for young or oily skins and are refreshing to use. However, most women find light eye creams and balms more effective.

Use a tiny amount of eye treatment, as it’s better to apply it regularly in small quantities than apply lots occasionally. Apply with your middle finger as this is the weakest one and won’t stretch the delicate skin. This will help keep your skin more supple and prevent premature wrinkling in this area.

care for the skin
Photo Credit : Allure


This is one of the most common beauty problem. These ideas can help:

  • Gently tap your skin with your ring finger when you are applying eye cream to encourage the excess fluid to drain away.
  • Store creams in the refrigerator, as the coldness will also help reduce puffiness.
  • Place thin strips of potato underneath your eyes to reduce swelling. The starch in the potato seems to tighten the skin.
  • Fill a small bowl with iced water or ice-cold milk. Soak two cotton wool pads and lie down with the pads over your eyes. Replace the pads as soon as they become warm. Continue for 15 minutes. This treatment reduces puffiness and brightens the whites of your eyes.
  • Cooling cucumber: This is a super quick care for the eyes and simple treatment. Place a slide of cucumber over each eye, just lie back and relax for 15 minutes. Cucumber will gently tone and soothe the skin around the eyes.
  • Herbal eye pads: A compress over your eyes will refresh them, reduce puffiness and relive itchiness.
  • Teabag treatments: Use a teabag to make tea and then apply to the eyes when cool. Chamomile is good for tired eyes. The tannin in Indian tea is an astringent and will firm the skin.
  • Rosewater: Soak cotton wool pads in an infusion of rose petals and purified water

However, whichever eye treatment you decide to use, it is vital that you take time to lie down and relax for at least 10 minutes.