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Photo Credit : Very Well Health
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Pimples or acne are skin lesions or swellings that develop when the sebaceous glands of the skin get contaminated with bacteria and become swollen. Excessive sebum production by the oil glands is the main reason behind this problem. Pimples usually occur on the face, neck, shoulders and back. Even though it’s not a life threatening condition, it can make a person feel unhappy as a result of its scar and blemish especially on the face.

There are different types of beauty products and over-the-counter medications available for the treatment of pimples but they can take time in producing results. However, you can achieve results with a short period of time using homemade remedies. BEBE AFRICAKA presents to you 8 natural methods you can use to get rid of pimples fast.



Bentonite clay can actually make a difference in the appearance of a pimple, and what’s great is that it works really fast; it is a highly absorbent clay with several health and beauty benefits.

As an acne treatment, Bentonite clay is popularly used as a wet clay mask that is applied on the face and leave to dry for about 15 minutes. Its absorbent property helps absorb excess sebum from the skin, and its astringent properties work to reduce and tighten inflamed and enlarged pores. Powdered Bentonite clay can be mixed with water alone or any other blend of ingredients that includes a liquid.


Papaya fruit is made up of components that aid in the treatment of pimples such as vitamin A which helps to minimize swelling, soften and smoothen the skin. Apply papaya juice on the pimples and leave for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Also you can also mix papaya juice with honey to form a paste, apply on the face and allow drying before rinse off with water.


Facial steaming is an excellent choice for people with acne prone skin or with stubborn blackheads. It opens the pores and allows the skin to breathe. This assist in reducing excess oil, eliminate dirt and bacteria trapped in the pores that can cause infection or inflammation. To do a steam facial, you start with a steam, and then use a mask to draw dirt from your pores and finish with toner and moisturizer


Tea tree oil is a great option for treating acne and pimples. It has antibacterial properties that assist in fighting against bacteria responsible for these acne breakouts. It soothing properties assist in minimizing the inflammation and redness of pimples. It also helps dry out blackheads and whiteheads.

Soak a cotton ball in tea tree essential oil and rub on the pimples, leave it on it for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing off. You can also mix few drops of teat tree essential oil with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, apply on the pimples, and leave for 20 minutes before rinsing off.


Fresh Lemon juice is enriched with vitamin C which assists in drying up pimples rapidly. Soak cotton ball in lemon juice and apply on the pimples before going to bed. Also you can make a paste with one tablespoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, apply on the pimples and leave overnight, then rinse off with lukewarm water the following morning.


Cucumber is enriched with Vitamin A, C, E and potassium. It also has a soothing and cooling effect on the skin.  Create cucumber face mask by blending the cucumber to form a paste, apply on the face and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This will assist in cleaning dirt and bacteria from your pores.


Honey is enriched with natural antibiotics that can accelerate healing process, as well as assist in preventing infections. Soak cotton ball in honey and apply on the pimples and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. You can also create a paste using honey and cinnamon powder, apply on the pimples and leave overnight, then rinse off with cold water the following morning. This will help to reduce inflammation or swelling.


Garlic is an antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant agent that aids in rapid treatment of pimples. The sulphur in garlic also promotes quick healing of pimples. Cut a fresh garlic clove into two pieces, massage the garlic on the pimples and leave it for five minutes before washing the skin with lukewarm water.


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